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The Primary Way God Brings Blessing Into Your Life

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

Many years ago, Renee and I were invited to participate in an anniversary celebration by the daughter of great friends whom we love dearly. It was happening in an expensive restaurant and were responsible for covering our own costs. The problem was, at that time, we had four small children and no discretionary income. We simply could not afford to go. But we felt we had to, to honor these people.These were wonderful and dear friends. We asked God to help us. We ordered the cheapest things on the menu and water to drink. Even then, it was more than we could afford. We were torn between wanting to be there for our friends and the financially tight spot we were in.

At that time, I had started a company, pioneering a product the world had never seen before. The cost of it all was taking a great toll on our lives. It was taking every penny we had and then some to get it done. We really needed an investor to help us to the next level. That night at dinner, we sat with a lovely couple who in the middle of a conversation, seemed to randomly tell us about her brother who was looking to invest significant money into something with significant potential. At that moment, it was like a flash of lightning! I instantly knew that was a word from God. I got his name and number. Just a short time after that, we met him and he became a partner in my company. Just months later, our product was massed produced and the world was introduced to the first commercial infant changing table you now see in public bathrooms around the world. Parents now change babies daily on our fold-down tables in public restrooms everywhere. Who would have known God would work in our lives through a dinner we could not afford.

Did you know that the primary way God brings blessing into your life is through people? We knew that. Renee and I had seen it happen in our lives over and over again. And we saw it that night!  It’s the truth. God uses people as messengers of blessing. The primary way God brings blessing to our lives is through people. Read your Bible. You’ll see that this is true! And that means, if you want to receive the blessings that God has for you, you better learn to love and enjoy people—that includes you introverts! If you don’t, you will isolate yourself from and avoid the very people who God might be bringing to you to bless you. Oh, and by the way, He’ll use people you would have never expected to bless you—probably even more than the ones that you did expect. God even occasionally sends angels that look like people to bring blessing to you. Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”

How do people bring blessing? They may bring flowers, a gift, a meal or a helping hand. They may lend or give you resources that you were in need of. They may bring words of encouragement or edification. They may bring godly advice or counsel, or even a supernatural word of wisdom that comes from the heart of God through their mouth—maybe providing just the answer or direction you were looking for. They may bring love and comfort when you are hurting or great joy and laughter when you really need a fun distraction. As I look back at every juncture of blessing in my life, God has used people to bring what I needed.

Most people today are moving at such a fast pace! Meaningful relationships take a back seat to busy agendas. I have a suggestion to help you get refreshed in loving people. Take time out to have people moments. Come to work 15 minutes early with the sole purpose of having time to bump into someone and catching up on life together. Make little pockets of time to stop and talk with people just to be interested in and to listen to what is going on in their life. You would be surprised how awesome it can be and how refreshed you can become in loving people. When you slow things down just a bit with the purpose of spending non-agenda time talking with and caring for people, it will be easier to walk out John 15:12 “This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you.” It makes it so much easier to love people when you actually have time to love them! Profound huh?

And somewhere along those encounters, you will see the hand of God bring blessing into your life—through people. Why not let your life be rich with godly relationships and see for yourself?

John 6:9 (NKJV) “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”

In His Love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2019 All rights reserved


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