Sandra’s Journey of Self-Discovery, Fasting, and Faith: An Inspirational Story

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

Sandra, a lively woman with an infectious laugh, wasn’t sure what she had gotten herself into when Pastor John enthusiastically announced the 21-day fast for the church community. She chuckled to herself, thinking of her notorious sweet tooth and love for her daily caramel macchiatos. But deep down, she felt a stirring of the Holy Spirit—God’s prompting her to pay attention and participate in this spiritual endeavor. She responded with most of the congregation raising their hands and agreeing to be “All in!” When she left church, she headed straight to a local bookstore and picked up what she hoped would be a great book on intermittent fasting.  She spent all that Sunday reading the book, and, as she laid it down, looked toward Heaven and followed it with a very short prayer, “Lord, I believe this is your leading, so please help me do this and do it right!”

The first day was comical. Sandra stared at her coffee machine as if it were an old friend she wasn’t allowed to talk to. She sipped her green tea, thinking, “This is going to be a looong 21 days!”

Because this wasn’t a total fast, she consumed only water and tea in the morning, a healthy snack at lunchtime, and one healthy meal for dinner. As the days passed, something remarkable began to happen. Sandra started noticing changes. She felt more energized and less dependent on caffeine jolts. Surprisingly, her skin glowed, and her digestion, which had always been a bit fussy, seemed to be thanking her. “Benefit number one,” she jotted in her journal.

With the absence of meal planning and frequent snacking, Sandra found herself with extra time. She began spending these moments in prayer and reading the Bible, discovering a newfound depth in her relationship with God. The words she read seemed to speak directly to her, offering comfort and guidance.

She laughed one evening when she realized she had spent 30 minutes debating whether a carrot was a better snack than a celery stick. “Who am I even becoming?” she chuckled to herself.

As the second week dawned, Sandra noticed her clothes fitting differently. She felt lighter, not just physically but emotionally. She realized that intermittent fasting was improving her heart health and even aiding her weight management – benefits she had only read about but was now experiencing.

Her prayers became more focused, no longer just a list of requests, but conversations filled with gratitude and reflection. She saw prayers being answered, not always as she expected, but in ways that left her in awe.

The true test came when her colleague brought in a box of her favorite donuts. Sandra stared at them, her old self screaming “yes,” but something within her whispering “no.” She realized it wasn’t just about refusing unhealthy food; it was about making conscious choices. She chose an apple instead and found it surprisingly satisfying. And it left her feeling as though she had just scored a knockout in the ring!

There were comical moments, such as when she realized that she was enthusiastically explaining the benefits of intermittent fasting to her bewildered cat, Mr. Whiskers, who seemed more interested in his cat food.

In the last week of the fast, Sandra felt a shift. She no longer craved her old indulgences. She was making healthier choices naturally, and her mind felt clearer, and she felt stronger spiritually, mentally, and physically. She also realized that after those initial few nights of feeling hungry or deprived went away, and her sleep quality had greatly improved!

On the 21st day, as she sat quietly in her living room, a sense of accomplishment washed over her. She had done it. She knew the Lord had helped her every step of the way! She also knew that she was transformed. The journey had taught her discipline, self-awareness, the joy of a simpler life, and her newfound power to easily say “no.”

As she shared her experience with those in her church small group, laughter and nods of understanding filled the room. Most had similar experiences! Sandra’s story was more than just about fasting; it was about gaining deeper faith, strength, and joy in discipline and unexpected paths to self-discovery.

She smiled, knowing that this was just the beginning of a new chapter, one where she embraced health, laughed more, prayed deeper, and lived her faith out loud. And she was so excited that she could look a donut in the eye and say, “Thanks but no thanks!” and it didn’t even hurt! Sandra’s journey was an inspiration, a testament to the power of a willing heart and the surprising journeys it can lead us on.

1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT) “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”  

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
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