God Will Consider You A Treasure if You Do This!

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

I was standing out in the lobby at church after the service yesterday, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw my three-year-old granddaughter in a sprint toward me with her arms out wide, ready to give me a big hug! As I picked her up, she was excited to show me her new masterpiece, a Bible drawing that she had wonderfully scribbled with color crayons.

I was thinking about that precious moment later in the day, and it triggered a flashback. It was when I was 16 years old.  My oldest sister was married and had four young children. They were the cutest kids and I loved spending time with them. My sister had asked me if I could come over and babysit them. I was glad  to and came over that evening. As I walked into the kitchen, the kids were sitting around the table eating their dinner.  My sister and her husband had to leave right away and flew out the door. I had dinner with the kids and was greatly amused as they all talked a mile a minute and making me laugh throughout. When we were done, we cleaned up the kitchen, and then went to play. As we were walking through the living room I was admiring the new wall paper my sister had just put up. It was beautiful. As I walked by one of those walls, I gasped.  One of them was covered with color crayon drawings and scribbling. I looked at the kids, and said, What happened? Who did this? One of the girls said, Oh, we did that. I asked, What did your parents do? She said, Well, mom cried for a while, got mad at us, and then told us never to do that again. 

Their innocence was so cute. They knew they had done something wrong and they wouldn’t do it again, but I could tell that they just didn’t get it yet.  How could they? They were so young and inexperienced in life.
This made me think about some young Christians I know. They’ve sincerely asked Jesus into their heart, but are young in the Lord and know little of the Bible yet. They’ve sincerely repented of their sins and asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior, but have just begun to read a Bible for the first time. They don’t know much yet and don’t know all the ways the Lord would have them change their life—at least not yet. They’re going to church. They are learning week by week. But they’re newborns in Christ and are innocent when they violate His Word because they don’t know what God wants of them yet. It bothered me when I heard someone recently say about one of them, How
can she call himself a Christians when she thinks and acts like that?   

Christians aren’t looking for other Christians to condemn them. They are looking for someone to love, guide and mentor them in God’s ways. This was one of the very reasons I started writing Fresh Manna over 20 years ago—to help Christians grow in Christ! Young Christians don’t even  really even understand what growing up in Christ means yet! Truth can come as loving guidance or can come across as judgment and condemning. Some young Christians already feel condemned by the lying accusing voice of the devil. When other Christians condemn them,  then some, feeling like a failure, quit their walk with God and return back to their old ways. Don’t be that person to them!

It’s critical to realize that every Christian is at a different places of spiritual maturity in their walk with God. Some are in churches that don’t really teach much from the Bible. Others aren’t even in church yet because they don’t know what it means to find a good church. Others are afraid to read their Bible because it’s seems difficult and confusing to them. Others feel so unworthy of Christ because they don’t fully understand how Jesus could have forgiven them for the sins of their past. It’s critical to realize that Christians are all over the map in their spiritual maturity. Don’t judge them. Love, pray for, and lead them. Teach and model a better way to live. Eventually they will quit coloring on the wallpaper and appreciate the new life in Christ they have been given! They will look back and appreciate the help you gave them. And they’ll thank God you didn’t judge them but helped them down the road toward spiritual maturity!

If you’ve ever had anyone be kind and love and help your children in life, you’d likely greatly appreciate them. Do the same for God and He will consider you a treasure for helping His children down His path of life for them! It is a part of our calling!

Philippians 1:6 (NLT) “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt 

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2020 All rights reserved
