Escaping the Destruction of Bitterness: An Inspirational Story

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

In the large company of Griswich Enterprises, a national engineering company, was a man named Jonathan who had dedicated years of his life to a job he loved. He poured his heart and soul into his work, believing in the values of honesty and loyalty. However, a betrayal by his supervisor, Ben, a man he admired and served faithfully for many years, shattered his trust and left him bitter and resentful.

One fateful day, Jonathan discovered that Ben had taken credit for a project he had designed and worked tirelessly on. Although Ben knew of the project and gave Johnathan the go-ahead to work on it, he never really had anything else to do with it until Johnathan had finished it, tested it, and they were both sure that it would be successful and highly beneficial for the company.  Ben presented it to the company and took total credit for it. When Jonathan found it, he felt utterly betrayed. The betrayal cut deep, leaving Jonathan with an ever-growing bitterness. He was afraid to say a thing because of his concern he’d be targeted in one of the upcoming layoffs in the slowing economy. He struggled to come to terms with the injustice that had been done to him, and resentment festered within his heart. 

As days turned into weeks, Jonathan’s bitterness affected every aspect of his life. He became distant from friends and family, felt disappointed in God for allowing this to happen, and stopped going to church. He thought God would have protected him from this kind of injustice. He was mad at everyone, including God, and a dark shadow lingered over his once vibrant spirit.

Then, one evening, his phone rang. It was Michael, a distant cousin with whom he hadn’t spoken in years. Michael’s voice was hesitant, filled with a mix of regret and resolve. He explained that he had just come from a church service where the pastor had spoken powerfully about the corrosive nature of unforgiveness.

Michael confessed that for years, he had harbored bitterness toward Jonathan over an incident long forgotten by Jonathan himself. Years ago, Jonathan, in a moment of thoughtlessness, had made a hurtful remark about Michael’s career choices during a family gathering, a remark that deeply embarrassed and stung Michael. He never wanted to talk to Jonathan again!

This revelation stunned Jonathan. He had been completely unaware of the pain his offhand comment had caused. As Michael expressed his feelings, Jonathan immediately apologized, expressing his deep regret for the unintended harm and pain he had caused.

In that moment of reconciliation, as he hung up the phone, a profound realization dawned on Jonathan. He saw the parallel between his own situation and Michael’s. Just as Michael had held onto hurt for years, Jonathan had been clinging to his bitterness towards his boss, letting it darken his heart.

Inspired by Michael’s courage and the timely sermon on forgiveness, Jonathan reflected on the Bible’s teachings of mercy and grace. He understood that harboring resentment only led to more pain and that forgiveness was the path to healing and peace.

The next day, Jonathan sought out his boss. He approached the conversation with a newfound perspective, not as a confrontation but as an opportunity for understanding and forgiveness. Jonathan expressed how the betrayal had hurt him but also conveyed his desire to forgive and move forward.

To his surprise, his boss, taken aback by Jonathan’s approach, explained the pressure he had been under and admitted his poor choice, apologizing and expressing genuine remorse. The wall of resentment between them instantly crumbled, replaced by a bridge of understanding, reconciliation, and healing. The act of forgiveness lifted the weight of bitterness from Jonathan’s shoulders, bringing a sense of peace and liberation he hadn’t felt in months.

How ironic was it that as Jonathan apologized to God for blaming Him for what had happened and returned to church the following Sunday, his Pastor just happened to be preaching from the text of Colossians 3:13-14 (NLT): “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.”  

Jonathan bowed His head and heart, saying, “I’m sorry, Lord. You always know what you are doing. Help me to trust you in difficult situations in the years ahead, In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
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