Called To Do Great and Mighty Things…But What Do I Do Today?

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

Did you know that God wants us to get stirred up and excited to do great things for Him? When we get stirred up, and when we have faith that God will use us in some way to be a blessing to others, then we’ll begin to pay attention to the leading of God’s Holy Spirit. When we desire to be used of God and when we pray and ask Him to use us, then the eyes of our heart will be more attentive and we will catch those moments and opportunities to be used of Him. Most times, what we do for others will go unnoticed by everyone except those whom we help, and God. The Lord always pays attention! The Lord will give you those occasional times where you will be used and it will be noticed by others. We can’t live for those moments; because to do so, poisons your motives. We live for seeking to be used to help others as God leads no matter who knows or sees. Then we’ll eventually begin to take risks for doing greater things borne out of a heart motivated by God’s love.

It was this truth that lead me to inventing the commercial infant changing tables you seen in every public bathroom everywhere you go. I had thought about it for three years before I acted on it. One Sunday morning in our church service, the message being preached was about reaching more people for the Lord. Our church was already packed and if we succeeded, we would have to expand our facility to minister to them all. It would take committed hearts and resources. It was at that point that the Lord spoke to me and said I want you to execute the idea that has been stirring in you for the past three years. It will be a blessing to many and provide resources to reach more people for me.  It took five years of hard work from concept to finally watching them be installed in bathrooms all across America. I have young mothers with babies that know I did this, stopping to thank me all the time. I would have never done this had I not believed that the Lord wanted me to do it and spoke to my heart. He did and he stirred me up! This has happened to me again and again. It makes life so exciting! But it started with little acts of obedience and commitment to reach others with God’s love.

Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV) says, “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know.” God doesn’t show us great and mighty things for kicks, or to inflate our ego with pride about how spiritual we are. He doesn’t show us things and stir us into action so that we can chase success only to enjoy the benefits and leave God behind when we attain it. He shows us things so we can ultimately influence and impact lives for His glory, one way or another. That is what we are in this earth for. To be an influence helping others to know and experience the love of Jesus in their lives.

I think most of us have been stirred up and dreamed of doing great things for God at one time or another. That’s a good thing! We are to stir up and provoke one another to do good. We read in 2 Timothy 1:6 (NKJV)  “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you…” And in Hebrews 10:24 “Think of ways to stir up and encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.” So do you think about and desire to do great and mighty things, yet find yourself thinking, “What do I do today?”

If you had any idea of the power of God that is at work within you trying to get out, you’d be bolder and take more risks. Am I serious when I say that? I am because you see it here in God’s Word! Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” The power of God is mighty within you but quit looking and thinking about the great things you are going to do in terms of making headlines. That’s about you. That’s pride.

You are surrounded by need—people in desperate places looking for answers, solutions, and help. You have answers. I am not talking about your brilliance or opinions. I am talking about the promises of God found in His Word. The Bible says God’s Word—scripture—is “quick and powerful.” God’s Word carries God’s power—the power to destroy Satan’s lies, discouragements, and attacks coming against someone’s life. It has power to produce faith—life-changing faith that alters someone’s thinking and life instantly! If you love the Lord, then you have His Word in your heart and it’s a powerful starting place to be great! Just be there for people. Encourage them in God’s Word. Pray for them right then and there. Serve people in church and in your daily life as though you were serving God. This is where a pure heart and godly character begin to be shaped within you. And when you are putting God’s Word in you, you have it not only to share with others, but you have God speaking to you through His Word to lead you in every aspect of your life! Be faithful in asking God to use you to help others daily and I assure you He will begin to do great things in you!

I was talking to a man who had thrown his life down the toilet. He had been in the military and had killed people in war—accidentally killing civilians. It haunted him until finally his life had disintegrated and left him as a street drunk and druggie. I reached out to him without knowing any of this and in a short time ended up telling him how much God loved him. He didn’t believe it. I told him it was true. As much as I tried to convince him, he wouldn’t believe me so I pulled out a pocket Bible and showed him verses about God’s love and forgiveness. I had him read them out loud to me. Suddenly I noticed a change. God’s Word began to penetrate what had become a stony heart. With big puppy eyes he looked at me and said, Do you really believe God would forgive me? Yes I said. God promises it in His Word and read it to him again. He prayed and asked Jesus into his heart right then and there. He cried like a baby, was instantly and miraculously sober, gave me a big hug. and wanted to find a church. I helped him with this!

Taking small steps as you are led by God to reach others with His love is where greatness begins. And as I said, this is what gives place for God to shape our motives, our character, and our trust in Him to use us. Bringing the love of God to meet someone’s need is just one way “great and mighty things” get done. This wasn’t in the headlines of the local newspaper but I guarantee you it was in the headlines of God’s heart! He is waiting to do great and mighty things through you!

2 Corinthians 9:2 (NIV) “For I know your eagerness to help, and I have been boasting about it to the Macedonians, telling them that since last year you in Achaia were ready to give; and your enthusiasm has stirred most of them to action” 

In His Love,
Pastor Tim Burt 

Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2014 All rights reserved