A Mystery No More! Your Destiny and Purpose in God!

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

I recently ran into a person that was really discouraged. After listening to him, I encouraged him in the promise from God’s Word that the Lord encouraged me with that very morning. I watched his countenance lift and a smile come to his face as I shared with him and then prayed for him.

We’re surrounded daily by people who are wandering through life, trying to figure out the purpose of their life and path of destiny. They strive to figure out answers they can live with and move forward on. But the truth is, what they’ve figured out, outside of God doesn’t hold up for long. Unanswerable questions and confusion return and create roadblocks in their confidence to forge full steam ahead. They’ll never really understand what life is about, nor their God-given destiny until they have committed their life to Jesus. It is at that time and only at that time that His Holy Spirit begins to unfold and reveal to us the plans and purposes of God.

This is what is meant by the verses in 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 TLB which say that “no mere man has ever seen, heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord. But we (Christians – those who have committed their life to Christ) know about these things because God has sent His Spirit to tell us, and His Spirit searches out and shows us all of God’s deepest secrets.”
Part of God’s phenomenal plan and one of His great secrets that He reveals to us is this: He takes ordinary people like you and me and calls us kings and priests in the earth. Revelation 5:10 NKJV says, “and have made us to be kings and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” Did you catch that?  “Reign on earth.” Doesn’t that sounded powerful? But what does it mean?

Look around you. Is it difficult to see the demonic forces of Satan working in the earth? Can’t you see the greed, destruction, corruption, and evil that has invaded this earth? There will be a time where God will deal with these demonic forces once for all. But that is not yet! God is patiently waiting for as many as possible to receive Christ before He brings life as we know it to an end. In this time of life, our kingship looks different from what it will look like then. As a king  in the earth now, we are to take authority in prayer over these invading forces. We are to cast down evil imaginations that distract or discourage us. We are to cast out fear because He has given us a spirit of power, love, and sound mind. Our present purpose is to learn who God created us to be in this earth and then walk it out. As a king, you pray in faith knowing that God is working behind the scenes in response to your prayers. Not just in a momentary concern alone but in the big picture of His will working in the earth. As a priest, you are able to learn, know, and discern God’s will and be the priest of encouragement to your family and the world around you. And that has everything to do with your destiny.  

It is easy for you to look in the mirror, see your own shortcoming, be aware of your sins and failings, and think, How could I ever be used of God? The truth is, every person God ever used had major shortcomings and failings, even while they were being used by God.

Your life is and will be a process of learning and practicing to become more Christ-like day by day. But God has already received you and washed your sins away. He has already made you righteous in His eyes. He sees you washed in Christs’ blood and wearing His robes of righteousness. It can be so difficult to put your arms around the magnitude and depth of that kind of love. Nonetheless, it’s true! Despite your shortcomings! It’s one of the secret truths of God that this world could not possibly know or comprehend. God uses us in our imperfection, seeing us as His children and righteousness in this earth because of Jesus. He’ll use you, even though you feel unworthy and inadequate. And if you will spend the time with Him, He’ll speak to you through His Word each and every day. He will give you a word of encouragement for yourself, and one that will also encourage someone who needs it in the course of your day. And trust me, you are surrounded by people that are hungering to know God. They’re just afraid. You need to be aware of that. Why? Because when you comprehend that this is your underlying destiny that leads you in His will and purpose and to His blessings, you can stop being anxious and be at peace. You you are presently a king and a priest reigning on this earth until He returns. Be aware of that and you are walking in your destiny!

Isaiah 50:4 (NLT) “The Sovereign Lord has given me His words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will.”

In His Love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2020 All rights reserved
