The Asbury University Chapel Revival: A Story of HongToo Leow — Missionary to Wilmore

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

Greetings friends! I think there is a good chance that you’ve heard about revival breaking out at Asbury University Chapel. It’s been in the headlines for a number of days now. I would like to share a story about a man who has been used by God to help bring about these meetings through prayer. I hope it will bless you! At the time of this writing, the revival is still happening! 

HongToo Leow — Missionary to Wilmore.
(Shared by Geoff Whiteman)

I want to share my true story as how God led me to Wilmore to pray for revival. In doing so, let me be clear that all glory goes to the Lord. I take no credit whatsoever as every good thing comes down from the Father!

August 2015, my wife and I came to Asbury Theological Seminary. I was a visiting scholar from Malaysia Bible Seminary until early June 2016.

On February 21 2016, I received a Revival Dream in Wilmore. I came from a conservative Church which I preached against dreams and visions. I humbled myself to test this dream to see if it was from God. In doing so, I shared the dream with Dr. Robert Coleman, my respected Evangelism professor from 1990-1993 at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He told me that God may use me to start a revival in the USA or in Malaysia. I also shared this dream with my professor Dr. Craig Keener, a highly respected New Testament School. I asked him if I should take this dream seriously. He responded that I should. Because of the affirmation from both of them, I  have continuously prayed daily for this revival to be fulfilled.

In December 2017 while my wife and I came to Asbury Seminary again on holidays, God spoke to me clearly asking me to come Wilmore to pray fulltime for revival.

On September 15 2019, I came to Wilmore. My wife followed two months later. We settled in Wilmore and I officially began to pray for Revival. I spent a couple of hours praying for revival while seeking signs of a spark of revival. There were periods of time where I felt disappointed, frustrated, and like I was going through the motions of praying, yet wondering what I was doing here in Wilmore. 

In June of 2020, God spoke to me clearly. I should carry signs (signs of repentance and of a call to revival etc.) while walking-running almost everyday on North Lexington in Wilmore Kentucky. I did this for about two years. These signs of preparing for revival got the attention of Wilmore residents.

In May of 2022, we received an urgent call to serve the homeless in New York City. This was after praying for 2 years and 8 months full time in Wilmore. Actually I started praying for revival in February 2016–all together about 7 years. I felt my call to pray for revival had not been completed. God told me that He would not send revival while I was still here. 

God has promised me that after we left Wilmore for New York City, He would then send revival in such a powerful way, that no one could take credit for it. We didn’t know when God was going to do but after eight months, revival came to Asbury University Chapel.  Glory to Triune God, God the Father, God the Son Jesus and God the Holy Spirit alone, amen and amen.

A note from Pastor Tim:  One of the things I love about this story is that HongToo Leow listened to and obeyed God! He didn’t have to! After counsel from other wise men, he decided God was calling him to do this. It’s hard to continue doing something you believe God called you to do when you don’t see results for a long while. It’s easy to wonder if your crazy or delusional. You have to cling and be faithful to what you truly believe God showed you to do! 

God has always had faithful people who pray continuously who are probably hardly noticed. God uses prayers to help further His plan in the earth. God has these people scattered throughout the whole earth! They’re always around but often unseen. An example you may remember from the Bible is the story of when Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day. He went to the temple where there was two devout people, Simeon and Anna, who God used to pray for years and years for Jesus to come. Finally, on this day, they were blessed with the gift of holding Jesus in their arms while praising God for being able to see the fulfillment of their endless fasting and praying!  You’ll find these verses in Luke Chapter 2.  

Movements of God are always the result of faithful people who pray. If you’ve noticed that call upon your life, be faithful to it and never stop. God desires to use you powerfully through prayer in this earth. And because of these kinds of prayers, we are able to learn of and see powerful moves of God and revival such as what is happening right now at Asbury Theological Seminary! Glory to God! 

Luke 18:1 (NLT) “One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up” 

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
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