Master Your Lazy Flesh!

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

Probably like you, I’d describe my life as fairly busy. My heart wants to be productive and do good things—especially helping others. My flesh isn’t always on that same page. It would like to be more sedentary. When I have free time for myself, except for getting rest when I need it, I would rather do something productive than just sit around. I’d rather spend time with Renee or garden or go golfing. I’d rather write a blog or tweet on Twitter that encourages someone. I’d be happier doing something for a neighbor than just sitting around. I’d rather connect with friends, or get an errand done, or go out for a power-walk. But, despite being and feeling like this, my flesh often screams Let’s just do nothing! It wants to be lazy. I hate and resist letting myself be lazy. Why? Because your body wants to be lazy and if it could, it would take over and lobby for being lazy all the time! If I let that happen, lazy is what I’d become. And I’ve noticed that over all the years, that’s never changed. There are times when I think I can hear my body screaming, Will you leave me alone. I just want to do nothing!

The reason I don’t leave it alone is because I don’t want to look back on my life with regret. I guess we will all have some regrets from mistakes we’ve made. We can’t get around that. But I don’t want to have regrets of wasting the precious time that Jesus has given me on this earth. I don’t know if there is anything more exciting in this life than having a purpose-filled life. And when your purpose is to influence others with the touch of Jesus’ love, I don’t think it gets better than that!

This means that I have to be the boss over my own lazy flesh. There are many ways I walk that out such as accepting opportunities and become committed to things I believe the Lord is leading me to do.  I have my core disciplines—spiritually, mentally, and physically that I execute faithfully. I can’t let my flesh dictate what I eat or the disciplines of my exercise routine. If I did, it would be junk food and no exercise. I have to eat well and moderate what I eat including cutting out those foods I’ve had a lousy track record with. I have to discipline myself to get enough exercise to stay on the up side of physical fitness. And, I need to refresh myself continuously in God’s Word and the promises of His love and help. I also fall on my knees thanking Him and asking for His grace and help. I’d have to continuously ask for His strength, right motivation, and a good attitude.

This is what helps me dominate my lazy whining flesh so that it becomes a slave to me. If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s this; your flesh will learn to cooperate with your heart and it can become disciplined and accustomed to do what you want it to do. But, give it an inch and begin to let it pick up some bad habits, and it will take you down the flesh-out road as fast as you will let it. So I don’t! With the help of God’s grace which is very tangible to me, I don’t! I talk to and lean on God for His help all day long! I push myself to do what is profitable. Renee is the same. Together we help & encourage each other!

Today I am looking in the mirror and reminding my flesh who’s the boss. It’s my spirit— my inward man taught and led by the Holy Spirit. Being the boss over my lazy flesh gives opportunity for God to have His way in me. And so today I will think upon those powerful and motivating words of God spoken through the Apostle Paul:

1 Cor. 9:24-27 “…Run in such a way as to get life’s prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt 

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2019 All rights reserved
