And Inspirational Story: Ben’s Café

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

Ben lived in the quaint town of Pineridge. He dearly loved the Lord and was a devout Christian, but deep within, he carried a burden from his past. As a child, he experienced many disappointments, leaving him with a lingering fear of failing and letting others down. This fear held him back from trying new things, from taking any risk, and from pursuing his dreams.

One Sunday, as Ben attended church, he heard a powerful sermon from his Pastor. The sermon centered around the scripture 1 John 4:4 (NKJV) “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He (the Holy Spirit) who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” Pastor Peter expounded this verse’s meaning and power from within in the life of a Christian. He taught about the Holy Spirit, who lives within every believer of Christ and empowers them to overcome their fears. Ben listened intently as Pastor Peter spoke. “I promise you that as you learn to trust God, His Holy Spirit within you will guide you and help you as you are faithful to pray and ask for His help at each step of the way.”

As Ben listened to the words, it was as if God was speaking them directly to Him. He felt an awakening, urging him to embrace the message and live it out in his life. The pastor led them in a prayer of trusting and stepping out in faith instead of retreating in fear. Ben felt this was going to be a life-changing moment and prayer. He prayed it more fervently than any other he could remember. He was determined to confront his deep-rooted fear of failing and disappointing people.

With newfound courage, Ben started small by volunteering in the church’s community outreach programs. Despite his nervousness, he began to build connections with others and offer his skills for God’s work. To his surprise, people appreciated his efforts, and his fear slowly began to melt away.

As time passed, Ben’s confidence grew, and he felt compelled to take a bold step. He had always dreamed of starting a small business, but his fear of failure had held him back. However, inspired by the scripture and the Holy Spirit’s guiding presence, he finally decided to give it a try. The local community college just happened to be enrolling students for a class on starting a business and developing fundamental business practices. Ben thought it was more than a coincidence. He was sure it was God helping him take new steps!

While in school, he planned a dream he’d thought about often. He opened a quaint coffee shop in the heart of the town called Ben’s Café, offering delicious coffee, scrumptious pastries, and a warm atmosphere. Although the endeavor came with challenges, Ben kept reminding himself of the scripture’s truth, that God was with him every step of the way. 

Word about his café spread like wildfire, and soon, it became the talk of the town. People praised the warm hospitality and the delectable treats, and Ben, for the first time in his life, was experiencing what it was to trust and have faith that God would help him, lead him, and work through him.

Not only did the café flourish, but Ben’s spirit soared. He no longer feared failure or the judgment of others. Instead, he walked confidently, knowing that the Holy Spirit was guiding him and that God had a purpose for his life.

Ben’s fear of failing was replaced with a deep trust in God’s plan as he grew in his faith. He started mentoring troubled youth, helping them overcome their fears and insecurities. He gave many of them a job and invited them to church—something he previously avoided for fear of rejection.

One day, Pastor Peter visited the café and witnessed the transformation in Ben’s life firsthand. Over a cup of coffee, Ben shared his journey of faith, and tears welled up in Pastor Peter’s eyes. He was deeply moved by the impact of God’s word and the Holy Spirit’s work in Ben’s life. He had heard a buzz about Ben and his cafe but now he could understand why Ben was so successful. His kindness and sincerity were genuinely impacting. At that moment, Pastor Peter asked Ben if he would pray and consider being mentored for the role of the single’s and young adult Pastor at church. He knew that would be a massive transition from this business, but he also was confident that Ben had a call on his life.

After a month of praying and seeking God, Ben accepted the plan. He kept the coffee shop while being mentored but when when it was time to come on staff at church, he sold it for a very lucrative price which would allow Ben to take a lesser salary that the church could afford. Ben’s impact on the church was amazing. And what was even more impressive was the transformation of a man who was held back most of his life by fear, but now seemed fearless through faith.

The cafe’s new owner kept the name Ben’s Café and tried to emulate best he could what Ben had worked to create, understanding the impact Ben and this cafe had on this beautiful town. And Ben’s story became an inspiration to others, reminding them that with faith and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, they too could overcome their fears and trust that God would guide them in all they put their hands to for Him.

1 John 4:18 (NIV) “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…”

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In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2023 All rights reserved
