God, What is My Destiny?

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

When I look into the mirror of my heart to see who I am, I see a man who passionately loves Jesus. And I see a man trying to walk out his life with Christ-like character, determined to influence others toward His love and saving grace. I so want people to see Jesus in me, but I know my flaws all too well. I have them just like we all do. I work on them, hopefully, like we all do. If I didn’t look reflectively within, I’d never try to change what needs changing. But it’s also important to see myself as God sees me. This is an absolute key to supernatural change! It’s what ignites the power to conquer your excuses and fears. It’s what leads you to the supernatural life God destined for you instead of the unfulfilled, mediocre life far too many experience!

If you know the story of Moses, you know that the beginning years of his life were anything but normal. From birth to adulthood, Moses was raised in the crosshairs of two cultures—Hebrew and Egyptian. He had to eventually come to the place of deciding for himself what he believed and how he wanted to walk out his life.

Moses chose the side of his Hebrew heritage. He was trained in Pharaoh’s court as an aspiring Egyptian leader. At one point, when he could no longer live with the slavery that he saw the Hebrew people oppressively subjected to, he made a leadership move that had disastrous results. In trying to protect a Hebrew slave from being beaten, he inadvertently killed an Egyptian taskmaster.  He immediately fled,  believing he would be killed by Pharaoh. In doing so, he was giving up all his hopes and dreams for a great many years until one day God called upon him to step into the destiny of His plan for Moses. God asked Moses to step out in faith and do something for Him. Let’s read about it, and as we do, notice the voice and excuses of Moses’ feelings of inadequacy. Also, notice Moses sparring with God about who he was and who he could be with God working in and through him. 

Exodus 3:10 NKJV, “Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”

As you continue to read through this chapter, you see Moses pleading with God, offering four excuses and a final plea.

  1. “God, who am I to do this?”
  2. “What if they say, “How do we really know God sent you?”
  3. “What if they say, “God didn’t really send you?”
  4. “I’m inadequate for the job, I can’t speak well.”

God answered every excuse for Moses with a promise of help, but Moses still finally said, “Please send someone else!

I hope you realize that all the great leaders in the Bible outside of Jesus Christ were flawed. They all struggled with the fear of failing to accomplish what God asked them to do. They were all tempted to fall to excuses. It’s easier to make excuses about our inadequacies than it is to take on the challenge of God’s request. We’re plagued by self-doubt. We say we don’t have the right skills for the job. (I remember my first step of faith—to teach 4th graders the Bible! I felt unqualified and terrified!) And like Moses, we may worry that people—even our families might ridicule us for our decision to serve God wholeheartedly. After all, who knows our faults and inadequacies better than them? You’re going to what? Who do you think you are? 

God knew what Moses didn’t. God knew that Moses would succeed because of God’s grace and power operating through him! Not because of Moses’ own personal strengths or great leadership skills! God didn’t just give Moses the job assignment and send him on his way. He reassured him by addressing his fears and objections and by promising to be with him while giving him the tools he needed to succeed. God chose to cultivate and develop leadership in Moses, which would eventually inspire the future leaders of Israel. Moses would become one who modeled the leadership of trusting and obeying God more than himself. This is where excuses are defeated—when one comes to the revelation of knowing who He is in God—not in himself! This is where men become godly men and women become godly women. This is where families become a powerful light. This is where churches become centers of influence, changing cities, states, and nations.

Just remember how inadequate Moses felt. Remember that he had past failures. Remember that he was raised in two competing cultures—one worldly and one representing a godly heritage, just like you. Recall how he was paralyzed in fear and how God helped, encouraged, and comforted him in the things He was asking Moses to do.

You might be asking yourself the question, Who am I? God, what do you want of me in my life? It starts with you sincerely seeking and worshiping Him and asking Him those questions. God is no respecter of persons and is waiting to help answer them for you as He did Moses! His direction will come as you seek Him in prayer and read His Word. It will continue to come as you are taught in your church through your Pastor and as you come into community and service with the people in your church. God will begin to answer those questions and lead you on a path of fulfilling the reason He created you!

This will lead to serving Him committedly and consistently. When you position yourself to seek and obey Him, the wind of the Holy Spirit will begin to blow on your sails and take you toward the life God has destined for you, unfolding it step by step! There’s no life more exciting and rewarding than walking by faith into the destiny God has for you! A mentor of mine in Christ from my early Christianity told me repeatedly over the years, “There is nothing more exciting than having adventures in faith, trusting God as He leads you step by step!”  It’s so true!

Psalm 16:11 (NIV) “You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
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