God has Good Plans For Your Life

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

For the first 23 years of my life, my knowledge of God consisted of what people—many people from many backgrounds—told me about Him. It resulted in a very confused perspective on my part of who God was.  Everything I believed about Him was really just made up from the minds and imaginations of people. Until one day, I met this woman who shared Jesus with me, helped me pray and receive Him as my Savior, and then encouraged me to start reading the Bible. She promised me that the Holy Spirit who now lived in me would begin to help me understand the Bible. It was mind-boggling to come to understand that God reveals Himself to us. It was from that place that my questions of God were answered one by one.

Do you have questions about Him? Do you know and believe that God positively wants good for you? Because if He does and He is God, then that would affect your view of Him, your love for Him and your expectation or faith in Him. Faith is expectation—what you believe or expect something is or will be. 

God has made promises to those who become His and they are expressed throughout the Bible. If you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to you as you read, you will see them often. As you do, you need to remember that the promises of God become ours through our faith in Him. He will manifest them in our lives as we have faith in what He promises us. That is why Hebrews 11:6 NLT says to us, “So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that there is a God and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.”  Hebrews 11:1 TLB gives us a review of what faith is supposed to accomplish saying, “What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.” 

Noah was mocked for over 100 years while building an Ark in obedience to God. God had told, warned, and promised Noah that there was going to be a rain that would destroy the world. He then gave Noah instruction on how to save he and his family’s life. He was allowed to tell others but no one else would believe his words. Maybe they thought he was crazy. Maybe they think you’re crazy if you believe God’s word. I promise you it happens. Believing what God says is what faith is all about. You have the choice to believe or not believe. Noah believed what the Lord promised despite the fact that it had never rained on the earth yet. That’s faith! People thought He was crazy but Noah knew and believed God’s promise. Consequently, because of his faith, he and his family alone were saved.

Moses believed what God promised again and again. He was used to lead and save the lives of all the Israelites who had faith and followed him out of Egypt. In their flight from Egypt, they came to the edge of the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army pursuing them close behind. Moses’ faith in obeying God led to the Red Sea splitting and saving them all. Faith brings the impossible promises of God into our lives. Faith matters, brings the presence of God, and changes everything.

Jesus told Peter to go fishing to get tax money from the fish of a month. Only weird faith people put themselves in this position because THEY DO believe God. He fished and got the money!

Noah saw the rain come. Moses saw the Red Sea part. Peter got the money from the mouth of a fish.  

As each of us read through the Bible, we read with different challenges and obstacles at work in our lives. We have a diversity of needs and requests for help from God. Therefore God is going to speak His promise to your heart that builds your faith and expectation in a way you would understand. As you grow in your faith, you will learn that His promises become more real than any circumstance you face, and to stand strong in the face of them. It’s important to know that God wants good for you. He wants you to believe that He will make a way to help you no matter what your situation is. We are not talking about God being a genie. We are talking about a loving God who knows the beginning, the end and everything in between. It is He who answers every prayer in it’s time to those who walk in faith! If you see the promise, you have the opportunity to stand


an army of negative circumstances like Moses did. Some will mock you. Fear will attack you. But God’s promise will sustain you and see you through. God wants good for you!

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2019 All rights reserved


3 thoughts on “God has Good Plans For Your Life

  1. Thank you Pastor Tim. I’m standing firm on His promises. He has already begun to give me a breakthrough. He’s awesome. Praise His magnificent name!

    Yours in Christ, in His service


    On Mon, Jun 10, 2019, 3:01 PM Fresh Manna – Bible Devotions By Tim Burt wrote:

    > Pastor Tim posted: ” Fresh Manna by Pastor Tim Burt For the first 23 years > of my life, my knowledge of God consisted of what people—many people from > many backgrounds—told me about Him. It resulted in a very confused > perspective on my part of who God was. Everything I b” >

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