The Voice of God in Your Life – Part Two

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

If you did not get a change to read Part One of this two part series, you can read Part One by clicking here.   

There are three voices—the Lords, the devil’s, and the voice of your own inner reasoning. Jesus described Satan and his voice best by saying, “…He was a murderer from the beginning and has always hated the truth. There is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44 TLB) And, John 10:10 TLB “The thief’s (Satan’s) purpose is to steal and kill and destroy…” 

What is each voice that is trying to influence your thinking and actions saying? Is it leading you in the instruction of God’s word to be faithful or diligent or loyal or committed? Is it telling you its okay to call in sick when you are not? Is it thinking angry, or hateful or revengeful thoughts? Is it thinking about how to lead someone to Jesus or seeking about how you can be a better Christian? Is it speaking of restraint regarding sinful or negative things in your life, or encouraging you to indulge your flesh—lust out, and go for the gusto? Is it telling you it’s okay to check out that man or woman in the office or telling you that watching porn on the Internet is just an innocent guy-thing? Is it telling you that wrongfully engaging on social media or chat lines with someone outside your spouse is okay? Is that voice trying to legitimize your sinful sexual life outside of marriage? Is that voice giving your permission to gossip about others—after all, they are in the wrong? In all these, check what the voice is saying and measure it to the Word of God. Is it what the Holy Spirit would say, what the devil would say, or is it your faulty reasoning wanting to fulfill the lusts of your flesh. Ask the Holy Spirit about it. Check your heart, your motive, and what the Word of God says and you will know who you are listening to. Learning to hear the voice of God is to learn to discern the voices that you hear! This is what Jesus meant when He said the words we all know… John 10:27 (NKJV) My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”  Discerning the voices is key to knowing the voice of God. There is no benefit in listening to Satan or those infected by his influence. There is little benefit in listening to just yourself. The benefit is in listening to the voice of God.

There are many ways God speaks to us. Sometimes He brings a verse to our remembrance and opens our mind to its meaning and what He is trying to say to us through it. That is why it’s so important to put God’s word in our heart. It has to be there before He can bring it to our remembrance! There are times where He will bring a thought to my mind reminding me of something I needed to remember or had forgotten. (He has saved me from trouble countless times by reminding me of things I’d forgotten to do!) You’ll be frustrated looking for your keys or lost item. You’ll ask God to help you find it. Suddenly, He will show you the picture of where you laid them last. Sometimes He leads me to a verse that answers the question and speaks the wisdom I was seeking for. Somehow, because I am praying and asking Him to speak to me and lead me, He finds a way to talk with me. He always speaks to me through His Word or other Christians whom God has put in my life. And His Word is the gatekeeper of all the voices inward and outward I hear—discerning between random thoughts and God voice.

God will not accuse you, guilt you, or condemn you. He will not yell at you or raise His voice. He will not scream at you. He will speak to you, and usually through His word or Pastors, or other Christians in your life. He will challenge you, exhort you, encourage you, correct you, and lead and guide you! Learn to listen for His voice—His impression upon your heart, and spend time in His Word and godly atmospheres where God can get to and speak to you. Do so and you’ll learn the voice of God!

Psalm 119:105 (NLT) “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”

In His love,
Pastor Tim Burt

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Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2021 All rights reserved


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