Energized with JOY!

By Renee Burt

If you read the economic news this morning, it was sobering. More layoffs, jobless benefits hit a new record, and stocks are down. After I read those headlines and got my joy thoroughly zapped, I got dressed and then was going to put on my makeup and do my hair. But first, I went to grab my CD player, so I could listen to music while I finished getting ready. Well, the CD in my player happened to be one of Coffey Anderson’s. He’s a Christian artist, whose music and lyrics to “All Ye” and “Never Turn Back” are simply infectious! They infect my heart in a way that gets my feet dancing and my heart singing. Now, I was all cleaned up…I didn’t want to start dancing and get sweaty, but I couldn’t help myself. Twenty minutes later (after replaying those two songs, three times each), I was slightly disheveled on the outside, but on the inside? I was thoroughly reenergized with the joy that only He can give, even when things around us look like they’re in chaos. So is your week or your life, in general, rather chaotic lately? Maybe Coffey Anderson’s music isn’t your “cup of tea,” but find some music that sets your feet to real, genuine, “like David danced” kind of music…with lyrics that remind you that God is bigger than your circumstances. And dance…try it, you’ll like it (and you’ll even get your heart rate up in the process)! It doesn’t matter if you’re a good dancer…what matters is that He’s a good God…and He wants to give us a fresh start, a fresh outlook on life, and a huge dose of His joy…today!

Psalm 51:8, 10 MSG ~ Tune me in to foot-tapping songs, set these once-broken bones to dancing. God, make a fresh start in me shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.

More devotions from Renee’s Fresh Manna

Published by Pastor Tim Burt
Copyright© 2009 Tim Burt, All rights reserved.


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